Image News - The Mice are back in Town!

Ratatoullie was cool and everyone loved Danger Mouse but I think we all know that the Mice Templar could wipe the floor with all of them. This December the award winning series is back!
The two-time Harvey Award-winning and critically praised series THE MICE TEMPLAR starts a new chapter this December with THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 3 #1.
Co-written by Bryan JL Glass (Thor: First Thunder, Valkyrie) and Michael Avon Oeming (Powers, Thor: Blood Oath), THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 3 picks up after the gripping events of the second volume, making it a perfect place for new readers to pick up the series. Oeming, Victor Santos and Veronica Gandini continue to provide striking art for the series.
"Volume Three is a perfect opportunity for new readers to join in on the unfolding action and drama," says Glass. "The saga of Karic has come to an end, and now the Dark Lands prepare for war in the wake of his audacious exploits at the end of DESTINY! The scattered Templar exiles join forces with the female Maeven archers to defend against growing oppression from the rat army, and their alliance with the Mortair, sisterhood of assassins!"
THE MICE TEMPLAR continues with a perfect starting point for new readers! Karic has accomplished his goal-the rescue of his family from captivity-but their freedom has come with a terrible price. Karic now lies comatose, his spirit lost to a realm of nightmare. Yet Cassius risks all for the young mouse who restored his faith, even death at the blade of his old Templar rival Ronan. Meanwhile, the druids and the rat army unleash a new wave of tyranny in retaliation for Karic's audacious attack. Only the heroic Maeven archers can stand against the Mortair, the deadly sisterhood of rat assassins!
THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 3 #1, a 32-page full-color comic book for $3.99, will be in stores December 22, 2010. You can catch up with the series by picking up THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 1 (HC: AUG082241; TP: APR090362), THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 2.1 (TP: APR100431), and THE MICE TEMPLAR VOL. 2.2 (HC: MAY100456; TP: JUL100417, in stores November 17, 2010).
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