Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is the seventh in the "DC Universe Original Animated Movie" series. It sees the usual JLA crew of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Martian Manhunter travel to a parallel Earth in order to help out an alternate Lex Luthor. The latest in the DCU:OAM is by far the best of a good bunch. The film is somewhat loosely based on "Crisis on Earth Three" from Justice League of America #29–30 published in 1964 and Grant Morrison's JLA: Earth 2. The story begins on a parallel world in which Lex Luthor and The Joker, alternatively named The Jester, are heroic figures on the run from the "Crime Syndicate". The Syndicate are a Bizarro version of the Justice League led by Ultraman (Brian Bloom), an evil doppelganger of Superman. Lex makes his way to the DCU to plead with the JLA to assist in removing the Crime Syndicate from their position of power as overlords on his home world. I won't go anymore into the st...