Review by Stu - Contraband

The plot of Contraband is a fairly generic one – the tale of the retired criminal who comes across an obstacle and is forced to return to their erstwhile ways – think Gone in 60 Seconds. There is nothing wrong with this as a story device; in fact it can be rather compelling in the right hands. For instance the aptly named Heist, directed by David Mamet, showed what can be done if the tropes of the genre are delivered creatively. The major problem with Contraband is that Chris’s protective instinct for his family, as motivation to get back into smuggling, loses credibility as we witness just how much fun he seems to have being a bad guy. The minute he gets back onto the cargo ship it’s like he doesn’t have a care in the world except for the moments when he has brief phone calls from his wife. Chris's lack of adequate concern reduces the emotional investment of the audience and their interest in the outcome.
The Panama sequence of the film cuts into the movie as if it was lifted straight from a South American made-for-television movie. It borders on ridiculous only because it betrays the style and tone that the film had fought so hard to set in place up to this point. Throughout the film we get the sense that it’s a gritty realistic world populated with hard working Irish-American blue collars. The sequence in Panama introduces us to Latino gangsters and SWAT police engaging in open warfare on the streets. This film revolves around smugglers, which implies a level of skill and finesse. The shoot out just feels lazy and misplaced. The scene had no tension to it because it wasn’t as if our crew of smugglers was going to be gunned down at the 40 minute mark of the film.

Ultimately, the heist proves engaging to watch as it unfolds, although there is a lack of real tension in the finale. It delivers, as expected, the big unveiling of Chris’s mastermind plan with a few twists and turns, not all of which are entirely predictable. Contraband is a breezy film which doesn’t ask too much of its audience and in return doesn’t offer a great deal. It’s a film which we may quickly forget as 2012 rolls on.
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