Django Unchained Review
Over the course of an all but faultless career, Quentin Tarantino has dealt with a range of topics that are controversial to say the least. From his take on 1970's blaxplotation films in Jackie Brown, an horrific rape scene in Kill Bill, Nazi's in Inglorious Basterds and now pre-civil war slavery in Django Unchained, Tarantino has always pulled it off with an incredible lack if community reaction. Sure, parents associations complain about violence and Spike Lee complains about the overt use of the "N" word, but generally his films are labelled "controversial" before being widely accepted by audiences. It seems to be Tarantino's honesty that allows this to happen. Honesty and the completely in-your-face, over the top way that he approaches these topics. He makes them larger than life, puts a spotlight on the elephant in the room, demystifies it and takes away its power.

Although a self professed history buff, Tarantino takes liberties with respect to certain elements of the films plot. A Google search of "Mandingo Fighting" will return articles from notable American historians who state that there are no records of slaves being used in gladiatorial blood sports despite events in Django Unchained. Google will also advise you that Mandingo is the name of an African American pornstar who has a penis not unlike a babies arm holding an apple... but I digress. Regardless of the accuracy of certain elements of the film, these liberties make for a caricature of an utterly revolting era in human history, lampooning slavers and slave owners and highlighting just how far humanity has come since the bad old days.

Django Unchained is everything that you could expect from a Tarantino film, a genre masterpiece and tip of the hat to those who have come before. An incredibly visceral film and a buckshot to the senses, Django Unchained is incredible.
Django Unchained is released in Australian cinemas on January 24th.