Beautiful Creatures - Review by Stu Coote
Following the success of the Twilight adaptations, it was only going
to be a matter of time before the market was flooded with other films looking
to capitalising on the strength of their book following: an army of poorly
made, heavily marketed and utterly inane films marching upon decent cinema.
When I first saw the trailer for Beautiful Creatures I thought I knew exactly
what I was going to get and just how bad it would be. I envisaged another
useless teen gothic fantasy, with too many pretty young actors who couldn’t
emote. It just looked ridiculous. So imagine my surprise when I caught myself
thoroughly enjoying this film. Perhaps it was because my expectations were set
so low that the film couldn’t be as bad as I had assumed it would be; or maybe
Beautiful Creatures is a fun little film that benefits from a great script,
fine performances and the fact it never takes itself too seriously.

The film succeeds where many
adaptations don’t because it develops the characters gradually and doesn’t proffer
useless information. I often see characters brought into films that I think
must have had a far greater role in the book. It’s as if the filmmakers are
trying to please fans of the book by including minor characters, when in fact
all they do is confuse the film audience. A film can never contain as much information
as a book, however it can be just as effective in telling the same story. I
would imagine that there are characters that could have been fleshed out more
in this story and maybe some of them didn’t even make it onto the screen, and
yet I felt the story didn’t suffer from under-characterisation. Ethan and Lena
traded rapid fire dialogue mock fighting and thinly veiled insults which gave
them a grounded quality, especially when compared to the constipated staring
matches employed in the Twilight instalments. The two leads, Alden Ehreneich
and Alice Englert were impressive. Their constant ribbing of one another was
plausible and enjoyable.
Whilst the leads were clearly the
standouts in this film I thought it was very clever to surround them with
veteran actors such as Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson and Viola Davis. They added gravitas
to the film. Emma Thompson and Jeremy Irons especially looked as though they
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It helps the film immensely when people don’t
play down to the material and embrace their character, despite the silliness of
it all.

I’m well aware that this film may not be for everyone. Perhaps
I was just in the mood for something light and disposal and that’s what this
gave me. Beautiful Creatures won’t be in
my top ten of the year but it surely won’t be in the bottom ten.