Danger Club #5 Review

Danger Club is an easy comic to pass on
the shelf. It's got superheroes. It's got violence and it aims to be
edgy. It's all stuff we see time and time again in the creator owned
comic-book scene in the form of books like Hell Yeah, Irredeemable, Invincible and, of course, the book that started it all, Kick-Ass.
What could be all too easily palmed off as
another overly violent super hero "what-if" is actually a thought
provoking and original story. Danger Club is a series that boldly
combines Silver Age comic book sensibilities with Kick-Ass style
violence to great effect. It's a wonderful homage to superheroes that
both embraces and transcends the genre.
If you're tired of reading the same old
stories from the big two, then this is the book for you. It's
intelligent, subtle and needs to be read twice before all of the plot
intricacies begin to click into place. At this point, it probably goes
without saying but make sure you've read the previous issues
before diving into Danger Club #5.

As in previous installments, Danger Club
#5 begins with what can only be described as a fake vintage comic
cover, drawn by series artist Eric Jones. This month's instalment
features The American Spirit facing off against Dr. Tik-Tok and his
army of Nazi Dino-men. It's a delightfully ridiculous way to start
such an emotionally loaded issue. It also sheds a bit more light on series super-villain The American Spirit, now turned
President of the global United States. This page really proves that
a picture is worth a thousand words and I found myself constantly
flipping back to it.
What follows is a tight 21 pages that
deals with the aftermath of the death of Kid Vigilante from the previous
issue. Kid Vigilante's death casts a strong shadow over issue #5 especially since we're led to believe his part in the story is not yet
over. That's not to say that his death was without impact, as
reiterated by the beautifully yet gruesome image of the doomed hero
getting shot in the head on page two. Eric Jones can certainly draw
one hell of a blood splatter.

As much as I know violent splash pages
are becoming a bit of a cliché in creator owned titles, in Danger
Club #5 it really does work. And that, in my mind, is the gist of what
what makes Danger Club work: It embraces the familiarity of cliché while exposing the reader to new ideas. Landry Q Walker, Eric Jones and
Micheal Drake, haven't reinvented the wheel they've simply given it
spinning rims. The wheel has never looked so damn good.
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