Olympus Has Fallen is best described as
irresponsible trash. In the spirit of full disclosure I hated this film for a
multitude of reasons. As I sit and write this, images are flashing over
televisions and websites showing the destruction caused by crudely made bombs
in Boston. In a
post 9/11 world, terrorism is a real and frightening part of our lives. I
clearly remember sitting with my family watching the horror unfold in New York as the Twin Towers
came crashing down. It’s imagery that will be forever burned into my mind. So
when I go into a film which promises bloodshed and mass destruction revolving around
a terrorist act in an urban setting, forgive me if I’m slightly cynical and
Directed by
Antoine Fuqua (Training day), Olympus
Has Fallen is yet another poor Die Hard
imitation. Hell, it’s not even Under
Siege. It follows former secret-serviceman Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) who
has taken a desk job after the death of the First Lady (Ashley ‘yes I still
act’ Judd) in a car accident that he held himself responsible for. Now time to
start ticking some classic action film cliché boxes; Mike’s marriage to his
Doctor Wife Leah (Radha Mitchell) is on the rocks, he’s unhappy at work and
missing the action of his old job. But as fate would have it, it’s not long til
Mike is forced back into the game as North Korean Spies sneak into the White
House and all hell breaks loose. Good thing our man Mike is able to get inside
and disrupt the party.

The sequence in
which the White House is taken is very telling when it comes to ultimately what
I hated about this film. It features an aircraft flying over Washington D.C
indiscriminately mowing down civilians. It’s at least ten minutes of mindless,
juvenile and explicit violence for the sake of violence. The entire sequence is
dripping with terrible stunt work, horrendous computer graphics and is
completely unrealistic. Take a look at your televisions, look what a few small
explosions have caused. As soon as the ‘action’ started this film lost all
credibility for me. Now obviously a film can never recreate what occurs during
an actual attack, but then that’s why I guess most films of this genre focus on
the smaller locations i.e. a boat, a building or a bus. They don’t try and take
down and entire city. Not only did the aircraft rain down terror from above,
there were ground troops shooting everything in sight, which just added to the
calamitous and senseless violence. But of course our man Mike with the end
bullets is able to shoot his way through the vast majority of them.

A troubling
thought with this film is that it casts North Koreans as the villains. In the
80s it was the pesky Russians, who gave way to the Arabic baddies of the 90s
and now Hollywood screenwriters obviously with
their fingers on the political pulse have decreed that the North Koreans are
ready to be promoted to bad guy number 1. This demonising of an entire country
is what I’m struggling with. Yes we all see Kim Jong Un taunting the west and
threatening to conquer the world but what does this film do for the millions of
North Koreans suffering under his rule.
Film is such a
powerful medium and it’s readily accessible to uneducated folk who take it as
gospel on some level or another. The recent remake of the 80s film Red Dawn now has North Korean
antagonists. How many people have you heard suggest North
Korea was responsible for the explosions in Boston? It’s not a hard
leap for people to take when mass media and storytelling bombards their senses
without due diligence.

I don’t like
Antoine Fuqua as a director, mostly because his films have a sense of style
over substance. I never fell for
Day, King Arthur was missing a third act and
Shooter … um enough said. He keeps the action moving quickly I
guess so we never get a chance to stop and take in how bad it actually is. This
film squandered an outstanding cast comprised of Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman,
Gerard Butler, Angela Bassett, Rick Yune and many more. I swear I even saw a little part
of Morgan Freeman’s soul die as he delivered the clichéd drivel which was the
There is a
moment in this film where an American Flag is shot to pieces and thrown from
the roof of the White House in slow motion. This sums up this film better than
I could. It’s painfully stupid whilst thinking it’s smart. It fancies itself as
an entertaining throwback to better films when in fact it’s an offensive
assault on the senses. I think this could quickly become the film by which I
judge others’ taste by. If you enjoyed this, then in the words of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey, “This
conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Good bye”.
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