Superman Unchained #1 Review
Scott Snyder is certainly hot property
at the moment. With his run on Batman wowing fanboys and critics
alike, it's not surprising that he's become one of the most sought after commodities
in the comic book world. Put the words "written by Scott Snyder" on just about
any project and it's almost guaranteed to be a commercial success.
Throw in the artistic talents of the venerable Jim Lee and you know you
are in for something special.
Enter Superman Unchained: what could be
seen from a cynical light as DC's desperate attempt to return
Superman to his former glory. And who better to do it than Scott
Snyder and Jim Lee, right? Well, yes and no.

First up, Jim Lee's art is almost reason
enough to by this book (well, that's if you can get past the hefty
$4.99 US price tag). His style may not be for everyone but damn can
he draw a splash page. The fold out poster which comprises of pages 5
and 6 is nothing short of spectacular and features Superman crashing
through a giant space station. It's epic in scale and like all of the
art in this book, has obviously been drawn by a veteran of the industry.
The more I thumb through Superman
Unchained #1 the more I am convinced Jim Lee is the iconic Superman
artist of this generation.
On the flip side, artistically this book
is no game changer. Yes, the art is great but it's your standard Jim
Lee fare so all the usual artistic criticisms apply. The men are all square jawed with their chests about to burst through their
shirts, the women are all well endowed and although he captures the
awe and power of superman you can't help but feel like Clark Kent is
lost somewhere along the way.

And that's the primary problem with
this book. If DC wants us to love Superman again then they need to
give us a chance to get to know the man underneath the costume. Scott
Snyder certainly has a red hot go at it. Explosive action is heavily
punctuated with conversation. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane are both
represented well and Superman's boy scout morality is displayed time
and time again, but for some reason it just didn't feel like Superman.
This is probably because aside from the
previously mentioned display of boy scout morality, Synder writes
Superman almost identical to how he writes Batman. The book features
heavy inner monologue and although this works for Batman it
certainly doesn't work for a character as transparent as Supes.
After witnessing Synder absolutely ace
his Batman run this made for a little bit of a let down. Although his
writing is technically brilliant, he is still very much at the top of
his game, direction wise this series leaves much to be desired.
With Lee and Snyder at the reigns there
was never any doubt that Superman Unchained was going to be good, and
indeed it is. It's just not living up to the insane amount of hype
and pressure the publisher and fans have placed on it. What has been built up as the next
big thing is merely a decent Superman comic. By no means revolutionary but still well worth your time.
- Christof
I disagree, I think Ed McGuiness draws the definitive Supes of our generation...
ReplyDeleteAlmost like a religious icon, we all have our own mental image of how Supes should look. I personally love the Jim Lee Superman and Superman: For Tomorrow was the series that brought me back to the boy in blue after years off my radar. However, my ideal Superman is and always will be by Dan Jurgens. I think I'm showing my age...