Red Obsession - Review
Red Obsession, the latest documentary from Australian duo David Roach and Warwick Ross looks at the effect China’s economic growth is having on Bordeaux, one of the most iconic French wine regions. Whilst full of some beautiful photography of the French countryside and plenty of wine porn for those lovers of the plonk, sadly for me the film revealed more about the filmmakers' opinions of China than it did the plight of the French Wine industry. Ultimately I came away feeling the film missed it mark completely and ended up being a naive bordering on racist look at global economics.

The second act focuses predominately on the Chinese investors and the growing Chinese wine market. The face of which is Billionaire Peter Tseng, whose wine collection is estimated at $60million. He is a rather quirky man who has a passion for the better things in life, which given his wealth that is to be expected. Mr Tseng was asked how earned his money which at this point the film cut to an extended shot of rubber sex toys on a conveyor belt, since he is China’s leading manufacturer of sex toys. As if to say look at the type of person he is. Clearly he’s a purveyor of sex and smut not a person who should be collecting such fine wine. It was obviously done to undermine him and paint him in a certain light or just shocking editing. Either way it’s sloppy manipulative storytelling. I may be wrong, but just think about this for a moment, this film is made by David Roach and Warwick Ross both of who worked on such films as Young Einstein and Reckless Kelly, the Yahoo Serious gems from the 80s. Does that change your opinion on what they would be like as documentary makers? I would hope it doesn’t but it just as easily could. The film goes on to portray other Asian investors as obsessive and over spenders, which is just ludicrous considering I thought that’s how economics and collecting works. People with the most money usually get what they want, right? I found it strange that the filmmakers were making such an issue out of the Asian investment. I wonder if they would care if the British or French themselves were doing the same. I mean the film actually criticises the Chinese investors because it claims that the Chinese are only buying the wine as a status symbol to show off their prosperity. I guess unlike every other country in the world where the wealthy buy sports cars, mansions, football teams and the like. It really was such a frustratingly childish look at the world.
The most interesting aspect of the film for me was the attempts by the Chinese to establish their own wine making regions. This had potential to unearth some interesting characters; however the film breezes through it without letting us get to know anyone. Even worse the film makes light of the fact that in 2012 a wine from the region was recognised with an award at an International competition. The film included a critic actually saying the wine survived three blind taste tests so I guess it’s hard to argue with, just another example of the film always casting the Chinese in a certain light.
The final act of the film returns to Bordeaux and reinforces the message that no matter what happens in the global economy the region will continue to produce outstanding wines for generations to come. So all in all undermines the entire story the filmmakers presented, in the sense that despite the impact of the Asian investment the show will simply go on. I found this a peculiar way to finish the film.
With a running time of only 79 minutes the film felt awfully rushed. This is compounded by the fact that there are so many talking heads on screen that it’s hard to keep track of who’s who. I would have preferred the film to just focus on few issues instead of trying to chase every rabbit down every hole. Certain issues were glossed over in order to focus on far less interesting ones. Like a good bottle of red they needed to let it breathe a little before consumption. Ultimately I guess you better get out there and snap up your $60,000 case of Chateau Lafite before the Chinese come and steal it, just don’t hide it under your bed if I recall that’s where they like to hang out…
Red Obsession is in selected cinemas from the 15th of August, if you have seen the film and agree or disagree with my review feel free to leave a comment below.
- Stu
Red Obsession is in selected cinemas from the 15th of August, if you have seen the film and agree or disagree with my review feel free to leave a comment below.
- Stu
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