Alex + Ada #1 Review

Admittedly, taken at face value Alex +
Ada #1 is a sci-fi story and a cliché one at that. The futuristic setting of the book is one filled with helper robots that busily
hover around to assist humans with day to day tasks, so it's
definitely not like we haven't seen it before. Even the key premise
of the book, the story of a you man dating a robot, is well trodden ground.

A couple of pages into this first issue
and it becomes glaringly apparent that if you're going to enjoy this
book you have to look further than the glossy sci-fi overlay and into the
story's "slice of life" core - and that's where the books appeal
kicks in. Alex + Ada is a book about the mundane told captured through a futuristic lens.
The protagonist of the story, Alex, is
very much an everyman sort of character. He lives in a nice house, works an office job and is getting over a break up with his long term
girlfriend. The story is deliberately set at a snails pace and covers
no more than two days of Alex's life. As I mentioned earlier, it very
much shines as a slice of life comic with the main story, Alex's
meeting with his companion Android Ada, only kicking in in the last
couple of pages of this issue.
Luna and Vaughn have no trouble taking
their time with small sequences, such as a robot making a cup of
coffee, taking up whole pages. This stretching out of sequences
really makes for immaculate pacing and a feeling that in the
post-break up world of Alex, time passes painfully slow. The whole
issue captures the numbness tha Alex is experiencing through the
clean-cut and largely white design elements as well as the sparse
This overwhelming feeling of loneliness
is suddenly shattered in the last few pages of the issue making for
an emotional climax just as the book ends. The final pages are
easily the strongest of the issue as each panel screams a thousand
words. It's obvious that Luna and Vaughan know what their doing.
So while Alex + Ada #1 may not "click" for everyone, it's all too easy to get bogged down in the books
more cliché elements. There's a great story here for the careful
comic book reader. Underneath all the robots and technological marvels
is a simple and relatable story that resonated with me on a very
personal level.
- Christof
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