Artifacts #34 Review
Before I jump into this review I feel I
should come clean; I'm no TopCow fan. Although I've dabbled with
some of their titles from time to time, their roster of characters
have never really resonated with me. I blame this almost exclusively
on my personal taste although the intimidating continuity of the TopCow universe has
always been a turn off. This probably begs the question as to why on
earth I am here reviewing Artifacts #34.
The answer is twofold; for starters
it's a one-shot so is free from the entanglement of continuity but
more importantly it's written by Eugene Ward and illustrated by
Martin Gimenez, both of whom have never been professionally published
before. It's always a real thrill to see new talent, something the
incestuous comic book industry could always use more of.

Artifacts #34 is a self-enclosed tale
starring Ian Nottingham, the bearer of the mystical artifact known as
the Blood Sword. This 22 page thrill ride sees Ian carving a trail of
death through the ranks of the Yakuza in some of the most creative
deaths I've seen in a while.
The violence comes non-stop like it
would in a Tarantino movie, barely pausing for breath. The bloodshed
begins in a brutal splash three pages in and doesn't really let
up at all until the closing pages of the book.
Ward and Gimenez dance a fine line
between over-the-top ultra violence (the sort of thing we see in
pretty much every creator owned work of Mark Millar) and a more
believable grittier, stylized brand of violence. For the most part
they pull off the latter, no doubt due in part to Gimenez's precise
line work and Ward's believable dialogue. Ward also uses a
desensitization by immersion approach in which the level of violence
never really lets up so it comes across as more fun than shocking
when a Yakuza goon meets their grizzly end. I found myself thinking
'Oh man I can't wait to see how Ian is going to waste these guys'
rather than 'holy crap that guy just got sliced in half'.Which is
always a good thing in my books.

Ward and Gimenez have not only placed a
secondary player in a hard to grasp comic-book universe into the
spotlight, they have also made it look effortless. Gimenez' art in
particular looks like it was born from the hand of an industry
veteran. His line work is tight and precise, containing a certain
photographic quality that gives this book a cinematic edge. The panels that include cars or other machinery particularly impressed
me with their attention to detail and reminded me of the artwork of Salvador Larroca on Invincible Iron man.
A big kudos to TopCow for giving a
chance to these fresh but evidently very talented creators. As a newcomers to the industry you really have to stand out and I'm glad to
say that in Artifacts #34 Eugene Ward and Martin Gimenez do just that and
then some! It's bold, brutal and shows all the hallmarks of a
creative team who both know and love comics.
- Christof
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