Watch Dogs Season Pass Details Released

It's not long now until Ubisoft's next big release and just in case you wanted to know, I'm excited. Watch Dogs promises to be an expansive, open-world adventure the scale of which has never been seen. Making full use of the graphics capabilities of Xbox One and PS4 hardware, the Ubisoft team recently released imagery of their version of Chicago and believe it or not, it looks even better than the real thing! For those looking to fully immerse themselves in the world of Watch Dogs, Ubisoft have just detailed the contents of their "Season Pass" which is not only cost effective, but chock a block full of additional content. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – April 30, 2014 – Ubisoft has revealed details of the Season Pass for the open-world, action-adventure game, Watch Dogs. The Watch Dogs Season Pass will give you access to a unique single-player story featuring T-Bone, a brilliant but eccentric hacker; a new Digital Trip game mode, Conspiracy; plus new missions, weap...