Ask Madman - Volume 1!
Welcome to the first installment in our all new column, "ASK MADMAN!". This column give YOU the opportunity to, well, ASK MADMAN the kind of things that you usually only get the chance to ask at conventions. Think of us as your proxy-Madman convention panel and ask away instead of waiting 12 months to get your question answered.
In this volume YOU asked questions and Madman have responded. Follow on for news on Kill la Kill, J-Drama, Ghibli releases, merchandise and more!
Madman's own Sylvester Ip, Daniel
Chlebowczyk and Christian Were are on hand to answer your questions.
Olly: Is there any chance of seeing a Madman Screening
Room app for PS3, or something similar? Its great that Madman is streaming new
shows, but it would be even better on a TV.
Sly: We have considered apps for a
number of platforms, but no plans currently to develop anything. You can
actually already access the Screening Room via the PS3 browser, although we are
aware that this doesn’t always work well for every user – which is something
we’re working on fixing. There is also tonnes of anime content available on both
the PlayStation and Xbox Live video stores.
N: Have you ever considered licensing Asian DRAMA? I
know you've licensed live action films like Gantz and Rurouni
Kenshin (for example and thank you!), but since quite a fair bit of live
action Japanese dramas are based off the original manga counterpart (i.e.
xxxHolic, Hana Yori Dango, Gokusen etc) obtaining legitimately licensed JDRAMA
DVDs in Australia is quite hard! So, to please both anime/manga/live action fans
like me, are you planning in the future to license Asian (Japanese) dramas as
well? Thanks!
Christian: We’re certainly open to the
idea of it and we’ve looked at this at various times in the past. It’s a
combination of finding the right show and one that has rights available for
releasing on DVD, as not all of them do.

Dan: It’s still a little early to
say when we’ll release The Wind Rises – as it’s still playing in cinemas
– and also exactly what our release will contain, although it will definitely
include both the English dub, and Japanese language with English subtitles. This
is standard for pretty much all of our Studio Ghibli titles. As for English dub
subtitles, I’m assuming you mean subtitles for hard of hearing? These are
usually part of the package of materials we obtain from the people we license
the release from, but unfortunately, they aren’t always made available to our
territory, or occasionally, aren’t available at the time we release to
DVD/Blu-Ray. We do include them where possible though, and are certainly
endeavouring to include them on The Wind Rises.
Anna: Have you thought of licensing some Asian Dramas
for streaming or DVD release.
Christian: We’ve looked at a few in the
past. I think if the right one comes along we will definitely give it a
Kamen Banana: Will you be releasing Kill La
Kill? When? (Best. Screen name. Ever! - Ryan)
Sly: We sure will, and we seriously
can’t wait - although there are a few factors that dictate when we can release
it here.
1. The series has only just finished airing in Japan on TV.
2. Interesting to note that in Japan the DVD releases also
have updated footage. This is commonplace with big series’. Scenes are sometimes
redrawn and upgraded in-between broadcast and DVD and this process can sometimes
take a few months to complete.
3. Naturally, the DVDs also have to be released in Japan first
before the materials are then made available to us for English language
localisation. So in short, we don’t have a specific date set yet, but it is
likely to be next year.
Anita: I know conventions already have celebrity
guests however I was wondering if it was quite possible to bring in some guests
who are famous on YouTube such as Parle Productions or even Twinfools to Sydney
as a fair few people would love to meet them. Also can we get panels for just
cosplayers in general an example would be a Sailor Moon Panel or a
CardCaptor Sakura panel?
Sly: Some great ideas here!
Ultimately, what goes on at each convention is up to the convention management –
so it’s worth sharing with them as well - but we always love to hear new ideas
on how we offer fans new and interesting experiences.
Sly: We’ve seen a pretty tangible
increase in sheer volume of people getting into anime and streaming content from
the Madman Screening Room, which is great! We think people are prepared to take
a gamble and sample shows they might be less likely to investigate if they had
to purchase a DVD outright.
Mad Man: Why don't you sell things like OST's, shirts
and figures? I think you'd sell heeps (sic).
Sly: We actually did sell all these
things not so long ago. However, to be honest the effort often ended up
outweighing the demand and we chose to put it on hold. We are doing more special
edition releases with limited items, as well as events - like the Evangelion and
Sword Art Online Exhibitions – where a good range of merchandise has been
available for sale. We’re always exploring opportunities too, so you never know,
in the future we may do more of these things! J
Sherlock Gomez: Are you ever releasing Crows
Zero 2?
Christian: With the new Crows:
Explode film releasing in Japan this month, it might be time to think about
a trilogy!
Gohan92: When will REEL ANIME be for this year? What
will be there?
Sly: We are still considering options
for a REEL ANIME program in 2014. However, we will be offering more one-off,
special event REEL ANIME branded screenings throughout the year – like we did
recently with the Madoka Magica films.
That's it for our very first volume of ASK MADMAN! Thanks to those who awesome questions, the great folks at Madman for answering them and if you want your question answered, just head over to our ASK MADMAN form and fill out the details.
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