Bryan Lee O'Malley's "Seconds" - Review
have to be clear up front about this. Yes, it’s got the same writer and employs
the same art style. Apart from that, little connects that series and this tale
right here. If you came here for something even vaguely connected or
reminiscent of that memorable run, try elsewhere.
alright, there’s a reference to bread making you fat and a character reacting
incredulously, but afterwards that’s it. Swear.
is the first standalone graphic novel by Bryan Lee O’Malley since 2003’s Lost
at Sea. The book follows burgeoning restaurateur and professional smartarse
Katie as she discovers her first restaurant is actually home to a strange
blonde girl in thrift store clothing who offers her a magic mushroom (no, not
that kind). Basically, if Katie ingests the mushroom, scribbles a mistake she’s
made on a special pad and goes to sleep, she’ll wake the next morning to find
the mistake altered and her past shifted in order to fit its absence.
Naturally, she begins abusing her continuity more flagrantly than a certain
comic company’s rebooting efforts, and since the space-time continuum doesn’t
especially like being abused it leads to very not good things occurring.

really appreciate Seconds not so much for the Aesop it engenders or the moral
posturing that wanting a do-over leads to shenanigans, but for its smaller
moments that tell us it’s ok to stuff up. It’s alright for you to fight with
your significant other, as long as you love them at the end of the day. It’s
not the end of the world if you get a co-worker ticked off through an
inappropriate choice of words, as long as you apologise after. It’s fine if you
make a bad decision when deciding to build your next restaurant inside the
decaying husk of a Gothic hovel underneath a bridge that is guaranteed to rake
in zero customers, as long as…
no, just stick with the first two.

I really enjoyed Seconds. Saying comparison shouldn’t be invited to Scott
Pilgrim might be a little unfair considering their respective geneses and
similarities, but I do think they’re more fairly judged as the proverbial apple
and orange. Where SP was frantic, fantastical and fast-paced, Seconds is a more
sedate, unfolding affair that makes great use of its tight graphic novel format
to tell a particularly engaging story. If nothing else it’ll make you want to
give someone a really, really big hug at the end, and is that ever really a bad
- Chris
- Chris
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