Guardians of the Galaxy Review
When Marvel Studios first announced they would be making a film based on the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' comics, most of us weren't sure what to expect. Hell, most of us weren't even sure who the Guardians were, myself included. Marvel Studios may have taught us to love Iron Man, Captain America and even the vanilla Avenger himself, Thor, but these are all top tier characters that are an essential part of Marvel Universe cannon. The Guardians on the other hand are a bunch of space misfits with a talking raccoon. Throw in a loose cannon like director James Gunn (who I still haven't forgiven for Scooby Doo by the way) and fans start to get nervous. In short, Guardians of the Galaxy felt like a huge risk.
that first trailer hit and geeks everywhere breathed a sigh of
relief. The effects looked great, the humor hit the mark and the
casting was spot on. But more importantly, it was obvious that Marvel
Studios were in on the joke. They knew most cinema goers didn’t
know or care who the Guardians of the Galaxy were so they created a
galaxy where everyone felt the same way.
more or less the heart of this film; it's about five losers with a
criminal record coming together
to save the galaxy. Making up the
team is Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) who essentially is a merging of Han
solo and Indian Jones, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) the most dangerous woman
in the galaxy and daughter of Thanos, Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) a genetically enhanced raccoon with a thing for firearms,
Drax the Destroyer (Dave Batista) a homicidal maniac who's only goal
in life is to avenge the death of his wife and child, and last (but
certainly not least) we have Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) a walking
tree with a very limited vocabulary.
five would-be heroes, although initially brought together by greed but resulting in a very loose partnership of convenience, eventually band
together to stop Ronin the Accuser (Lee Pace) from blowing up the
Nova Corps’ (more or less the galactic police force) home-world.
Although this plot isn't exactly what one would call inspired, it
certainly works. The film feels well paced with heartfelt character
moments being punctuated by thrilling blockbuster-grade action.
expected Chris Pratt brings his A-game to the role of Peter Quill.
Not only is he hilarious, not too surprising given the six seasons of
Parks and Recreation under his belt, but he manages to pull off the
action hero elements of the character as well. Saldana and Cooper
also make for strong additions to the team although this was more or
less expected from actors of their caliber.
Then we get to Drax the Destroyer... Given all that Drax has to do is
get angry and mindlessly charge into battle, whilst occasionally
talking smack, wrestler Dave Bautista seems like the perfect choice,
given that's pretty much what wrestlers do. He's big, he's fierce and
although any hulking angry male actor could have filled the role, the
Rock was busy doing his laundry and Vin Diesel was already voicing

be deceived, although the words 'a James Gunn film' which appear
during the opening sequences would make you think otherwise, this is
not a James Gunn film. Sure it pushes the limits on occasion and it
certainly possess that dark and off-beat James Gunn sense of humor,
but overall Guardians of the Galaxy is very much a Marvel Studios
film. Don't get me wrong, I mean that in the best way possible.
Marvel Studios make highly entertaining and commercial films, just be
warned that if you thought Guardians was going to change-up the
formula you would be wrong. It's fun, hilarious and action packed but
it also stays in very safe territory.

hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it right? And there is certainly
nothing broken about Guardians of the Galaxy. It's exciting, fun, and
well worth your time if you have enjoyed any of the previous Marvel
- Christof
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