East of West Volume Three: There is no us Review
Jonathan Hickman
has carved quite the name for himself in the world of comica. Where Grant Morrison is
associated with psychedelic trips, Mark Millar with high-octane
ultra-violence, and Brian Michael Benids with superhero soap operas,
Hickman has his reputation firmly planted in his love of high concept
science fiction and intricate plots. Seriously, no one does sci-fi
quite like Hickman, and the first time I read one his books, the
first volume of The Manhattan Projects, it took me a solid week to
process what I had just read.
He's a skilled
writer with a unique voice to say the least, but there is one slight
problem, his schtick is starting to wear thin on me. Hickman has such
a clear and definitive writing style that often his characters become
overpowered by it, reduced to cogs in the overarching plot machine.
Don't get me wrong, I love what the man does, but I would just like
to see him change it up a little and tell more character driven
stories in his creator owned work. This is where East of West comes
in, his creator owned series from Image with artist Nick Dragotta.

Two volumes later
and a hell of a lot has changed. For starters, and much to my
Hickman has widened the narrative camera to make it
less about Death and his angry (ex?) wife Xiaolin, and more about
their overall role in preventing the fulfillment of the Message.
Sure, they get plenty of page time and Xialoin is as badass as ever,
she is after all the woman who conquered Death, but it's obvious that
the focus of East of West has has shifted

Where Hickman's
work ends, Nick Dragotta's begins. Somehow he makes bringing
Hickman's impossible vision to life look easy. Splash pages of
enormous cube like space ships barely suspended in atmosphere,
towering ivory spires, and the subtlest of facial twitches all grace
the page effortlessly. Make no mistake, Dragotta is at the top of
his game, keeping even the longest 'talking-head' style conversations
visually interesting.

Overall I like
East of West. I'll even go as far to say I like it a lot. Even
through I would love to see Hickman push himself and deliver a more
character based story there are plenty of character driven moments to
punctuate all the political scheming and drama. If you haven't read
Hickman before then East of West is a great place to start, although
I would recommend you start at volume one given the complexity of the
- Christof
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