The Short Kiss So Long

*cue long sigh* It's been a long time coming, but I've made the sad (for me) decision to log off one final time and leave geek duties to Christof, Stu, Chris and Billy. While part of my decision is due to the constant guilt I feel for not contributing as often as I'd like, I've really decided that I want, and need, to spend every moment while not working, with my beautiful and ever supportive wife and my gorgeous little raspberry-blowing baby boy. While I say that it was a hard decision, it's actually a no-brainer. I started this little venture as a way of expressing my love for all thing pop culture but it quickly turned into something else. That is to say, I had a hell of a lot of fun doing it and didn't realise that along the way we'd grown into a known entity in the Australian geek scene. In no way would I claim to be anything more than an idiot with a keyboard, but somehow I managed to build Geek of Oz into something at least vaguely reputable....