Plus we have yet another give away (at this point it's becoming a habit we can't kick). Be sure to be listening carefully to find out how you could win a double pass to Oz Comicon Melbourne. All entries to be sent to christof@geekofoz.
Just a reminder, like a translucent green brain slug we need your juicy, juicy, ideas in order to survive! Please rate and review us on Itunes or drop us your feed back and ideas below. Every comment is appreciated. Alternatively if you have a geeky event you would like us to plug on the podcast (we can't promise anything but we'll try our best to give it a shout out) feel free to let us know.
- Christof
This weeks discussion topic: Creator/ Fan relationships
Upcoming Events:
- Friend of the site, Christian Read, is launching his first two novels Black city and Devil city at Galaxy bookshop on the 11th of June from 630 pm to 830 m. Click here for more details.
- Sydney Film festival is running from the 3rd of June to the 14th of June in various cinemas around Sydney. Click here for more details.
Christof (@weeklygeek,
Read: Spiderverse, Edge of the spiderverse
Watch: iZombie
Play: The Witcher 3, We will wok you
Stu (
Read: The Martian
Watch: San Andreas, Partisan
Play: Bears Vs Art
Billy (@Aqualec,
Read: Secret wars,
Watch: Ex Machina, Rupaul's drag race
Play: Digital Yahtzee (Really?!?), Marvel's contest of champions
Hi Guys, really solid show, the best so far. Great range of topics and you all knew when to get out of them and move. I'll be very nit picky and say one other panelists at times was a bit mumbly and hard to hear. Other than that, great show and very entertaining.