You miss us? Yep. I'll be the first to admit it's been far too long since we put out an instalment of the stitched-together pop culture ramblings we generously call a podcast. Unfortunately 'real life' (otherwise known as the collection of tasks we perform in order to fool others into believing that we are actually adults) gets busy and as much as we try and make getting the podcast out in a timely fashion a priority, occasionally our other responsibilities get the better of us. The last month and a half has been one such time. ... But fear not. We are back with what I can proudly boast is a 100% organic, grass fed, preservative free episode of Read, Watch, Play! coming to you live (at the time) from Oz Comic-Con Sydney. As well as chatting about or thoughts on the con we managed to score some interviews with some of the con's guests: Sam Lloyd (Ted from Scrubs) and Robert Maschio (The Todd from Scrubs)- Interview at the 3 minute mark ...