Your Name - Review
I cannot stress enough that it's important, if possible, to see this movie with as little foreknowledge as you can. Don't Google a trailer. Don't look at a poster. Don't even scan your eyes over the press photos used in this review. If you can, just avoid anything to do with this film's marketing, and go see it unmolested. Words cannot describe how much I loved Your Name, but a lot of that love comes from knowing as scant as possible about it; its premise, its characters, its plot turns. Although most of the current media surrounding the film has been fairly good with keeping the major stuff hidden from view, there are some things you could still infer. Therefore, if there is any Faustian bargain you can strike to completely block out anything resembling anything to do with Your Name before you see it, go do that.
For those who are after a hot take or a nice shiny review score before you determine if you'll watch it - Your Name is a stunning, impactful, moving, funny, beautiful and emotional masterpiece of an anime about two people who are wonderfully and intricately drawn characters, both inside and out. To skip to the end bit, I will be giving it 10/10. It is a movie you should already be going to watch, and I would strongly recommend you stop reading right here.
For the rest of you, the review will be as vague as possible while still informative, but you should be aware there may be SOME MINOR SPOILERS IN THE FOLLOWING REVIEW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
It'd be mighty unprofessional of me as a critic to just say "Your Name is one of the best anime films I've ever seen, go watch", and then call it a day. But trust me when I say that that option sounded really tempting when I set out to write about it.

That's as far as I'll go with the plot, but trust me when I say that the Freaky Friday-style narrative beats are not as simple as they first appear. Underneath an external appearance of giddy, emotionally-light quasi-sci-fi fare lies the beating heart of a story that will put you through a number of emotional wringers before the end. Have you ever bit down on a piece of nigiri that you thought was just salmon and rice - perfectly delicious and enjoyable - only to find that there's wasabi hidden in-between both things, injecting an unexpected flavour into your eating-based proceedings? Your Name is kind of like that, particularly if you're into wasabi.

quite quickly in what Taki and Mitsuha are going through on their own and with one another. The supporting players are also well done, with a special note given towards Mitsuha's high school friends Tessie and Sayaka, who spend the entire film as the most effective narrative "those two guys" in recent memory. This means the film taps into its emotional power by strongly grounding the drama in some very human, relatable people, rather than in the specific mechanics of the body-swapping itself or the possibilities for mischief that entails. Those looking for anything beyond a surface level explanation for it will be left unsatisfied - but I mean really, can't you tell it's all happening because of the comet? Magic, folks, come on, it isn't that hard to accept.

I really wish I could say more, and under normal circumstances I would be fine throwing out a few more hints about plot developments and character progression in the body of the review (for instance, look no further than my blunt assault on the plot "twists" of the latest Harry Potter atrocity). But I'm under the impression that most of my audience come here for recommendations, rather than a post-film discussion forum to chat over specific plot turns (though, of course, I'd love it if the latter happened, too). The fact is, you're probably still reading because you haven't seen Your Name yet, and weren't suitably warned off by the opening. If you were waiting for any more justification as to why you should go see the film, there's not much more I could say to convince you without going into unnecessary details.
Your Name made me laugh a lot, and weep into my sleeve. It had some of the most gorgeous anime vistas I've ever seen, along with a soundtrack that was pitch perfect for each scene it underscored (though I could do without the gratuitous J-Rock). It was both a fine bait-and-switch misdirection and a genuinely heart-wrenching story in its own right. As I said before, you should have seen it already.
- Chris
Your Name opens in cinemas in Australia from November 24th.
Geek of Oz would like to thank Madman for their invitation to the press screening for this film.
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