George Lucas: A Life - Review

The mastermind behind the three films which made up your childhood - as well as the three films which quickly destroyed it - is an enigmatic figure in public and the press, reserved and sometimes taciturn when it comes to letting some of the personal out in the PR. Although the behind-the-scenes nightmares which unspooled from the production of the original Star Wars trilogy are themselves firmly embedded in fan consciousnesses through a host of anecdotes and making-of books, comparatively little has been firmly put together regarding the man at the center of them all. In many ways, George Lucas: A Life is therefore a somewhat overdue examination of the man's life and times, as well as a closer look at how he fits within the enormous pop culture mechanisms of Star Wars and Indiana Jones . Though the book doesn't contain any one-on-ones with Lucas himself, and is instead comprised of snippets from interviews and previously-documented interactions, this is very much a solid,...