Interview with Christopher Judge, Star of Stargate SG-1 and God of War

Today sees the twentieth anniversary of the broadcast of Stargate SG-1 's pilot episode, Children of the Gods , and it's been ten years since the beloved show concluded its landmark tenth season. To mark the occasion, I sat down last month at Supanova Sydney with the buoyant Christopher Judge, who played stoic Jaffa warrior Teal'c for the show's entire run and its two movies, The Ark of Truth and Continuum . Below, we talk about the impact of SG-1 's legacy, Christopher's upcoming role as the new God of War , and the experience of fighting Aquaman in ( Stargate ) Atlantis ! --- Chris Comerford: So first of all, how's it going? Christopher Judge: Very well, very well, thank you! CC: Excellent! So it's been ten years since Stargate SG-1 was off the air, and twenty since it premiered years. How does it feel to look back on your time with the show and its movies now? CJ: You know, it's very strange, to just see the enduring popularity of ...