Locke & Key Review
It’s been a long, emotional roller coaster for fans waiting for Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriquez masterful horror comic ‘Locke and Key’ to make it to any sort of screen.

Now, almost inevitably it seems, it has found its home on Netflix in 10 episodes from Carlton Cuse (EP/co-writer of LOST, Bates Motel) and Meredith Averill (EP/co-writer of The Haunting of Hill House) and while it takes the building blocks of the original and manages to create something new of its own, it unfortunately lacks the bite that makes the comic so effecting and, at times, terrifying.

The showrunners for this incarnation, for some reason, have decided to condense almost 5 out of the 6 books worth of story into this first season which has resulted in a rushed, overstuffed adventure that is unable to earn it’s emotional beats and surprises.

With any luck it will drive new readers to discover the (seriously brilliant) comic series but unfortunately, they’ll know the best of its secrets before they get there.
- Azza
If you want to engage with Azza more you can do so at Happy Dance
Locke & Key is screening now exclusively on Netflix
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